60 years and counting

Those who did not play golf found other things to do.  Biker John Reinert drove out, bringing his bike along, and spent some time biking in the area. Others shopped or gambled or both.

Our first group event was dinner at Batista's on Tuesday night after arriving at some point during the day and getting settled at various locations in Las Vegas and Henderson and enjoying a day on our own.  The lighting at Batista's wasn't the greatest for taking photos, but here are a few to show the scene.

The purpose of the trip was, of course, to celebrate a milestone birthday year together, so the party began after golf at the Ball's home.  Those who were not able to attend, such as Diane Boulse Mashman and her husband Phil, and Jerry Thomas and his wife Janice, unfortunately missed a really good time, complete with a wonderful buffet dinner, a scary birthday cake, and plenty of goofing around and acting like kids again.  

Photo Gallery of Our 70th Birthday Celebration

Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see the complete gallery!

The Ball's opened their home to house guests Ruth Power Taravella, Sharon Stepich Griffin and her husband Ken, and Bennie Carrico Swanson and her husband Jim.  Their beautiful home in Henderson was completely decked out for Halloween.

Terry Fator is an amazing ventriloquist and an excellent vocalist in his own right.  His show was thoroughly entertaining, and we all understood exactly why he was a winner on America's Got Talent!

The party ended with some additional gambling for some, while others called it a night, having donated enough in various casinos.

Most of our group attended the Terry Fator Show on Wednesday evening, Oct. 19.  Back row, left to right:  Jim Swanson, Ruth Power Taravella, Ken Griffin, Diane Boulse Mashman, John Reinert, Sheryl Hutchings, Karen Cox Ball, Bob Ball, Phil Mashman, Jim Beal, Vivian Beal.  Front row:  Sharon Stepich Griffin, Carol Costanza Cullen, Joanne Cortese, Bennie Carrico Swanson, Pat Munoz Ellis, Jennifer Bryant Greiner, John Sandoval, Anita Sandoval. 

Friends since the 4th grade, Jennifer Bryant Greiner and Sheryl Hutchings enjoyed their time together at the beautiful Bellagio Hotel, which was decorated to celebrate Autumn and Halloween as well.

John Reinert tried to snap a selfie of himself and Jim and Bennie Carrico Swanson, while Jim Beal and his wife Vivian posed for a picture. Old neighborhood chums Sheryl Hutchings and Jennifer Bryant Greiner posed as well. 

Dragon Ridge Golf Course proved to be a perfect setting to play a round with old friends on Thursday, Oct. 20.  Bob and Karen are members there and treated the group who golfed to refreshments on the course in addition to subsidizing our green fees.  The weather was splendid, the views were panoramic from many tees, and the course as a whole was just challenging but fun to play.  Players included host Bob Ball, Lester Garrett, Jim Swanson, Lanny Carlson (who opted just to chauffeur Lester), Sheryl Hutchings and her partner John Sandoval, and Sharon Stepich Griffin and husband Ken who were paired with Jim Beal and his wife Vivian.  Bennie Carrico Swanson and Ruth Power Taravella provided moral support and fired a few shots during the first nine holes.      

Friday, Oct. 21, the party, alas, was over for good.  It was time for some fond farewells along with wishes and hopes that we can celebrate again together when we all turn 75!  Once again, a heartfelt THANK YOU to Bob and Karen Ball for making this wonderful memory possible!  

Plenty of time for goofing around at the official birthday bash at the Ball's after golf or shopping or just relaxing! 

Our hostess Karen Cox Ball

Joanne Cortese and Carol Costanza Cullen, above, Ruth with Pat Munoz Ellis, to the left, and Sharon Stepich Griffin with John Sandoval on the right.