60 years and counting

Reunion planning is one of the main responsibilities of the committee, and planning for our 55 year reunion is a huge job. Pictured here are some of the committee members hard at work at Bennie Carrico Swanson's house on March 6, 2019, putting together a mailing of information and registration forms to send out to our class database of 243 letters. Carol Costanza Cullen generously donated 200 stamps for the mailing, and Bennie pitched in the remaining 42 stamps.  Joanne Cortese donated the money for the printing, John Reinert made the address and return address labels, and Ruth Taravella provided the envelopes.  There were six committee members present to help with the mailing:  Sal Perritore, John Reinert, Sharon Stepich Griffin, Carol Costanza Cullen, Bennie Carrico Swanson, and Ruth Taravella.  They also celebrated Sharon’s 73rd birthday with carrot cake and all the goodies that Bennie furnished.

WHAT  A  G R E A T  T E A M  E F F O R T!

Committee Chairperson:  Ruth Power Taravella

1358 28th Lane, Pueblo, CO, 81006     
ruthltarv@gmail.com   719-252-8044 (cell)

Active Committee Members (in alphabetical order):

Jim Beal

1278 E. Bella Vista Dr., Pueblo West, CO 81007



719 821-0677

Joanne Cortese

20 Kingsboro Way, Unit A, Pueblo CO 81005


Carol Constanza Cullen

3447 Badger Court, Pueblo, CO 81005




Bill Genovese

2022 Acero, Pueblo CO., 81004


Sharon Stepich Griffin

4735 Katahdin Ln., Pueblo, CO 81004

Sheryl Hutchings, Website Coordinator

21941 E. Canyon Place, Aurora, CO 80016


Tom McKenna

999 Fortino Blvd. Space 53, Pueblo, CO 81008


Roberta McMichael Palacio

3500 Modesto, Pueblo, CO 81005



John Reinert, Data Coordinator


Bennie Carrico Swanson

88 Purdue, Pueblo, CO 81005

Committee Contact Information